Sun Tarot Card

Sun Tarot Card
Key 19 The Sun. The Sun means face or countenance. Face implies head, one who takes the lead, as the head of an organization. This card also brings to a head all the potencies of the life power. The keyword is regeneration. We renew our bodies when we renew our minds. "Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is the good and perfect will of," (Romans 72:2).

Astrologically, the Sun rules this key, bringing light and life, symbol of the divinity, the great divine power. We must control and adjust our lives through the Sun's action. As the ancients knew, the powers themselves are neither good or bad; it is how they are used.
The power of the Sun is not just a physical energy but also a living power. What we see in the Sun is identical with the spiritual power behind the Sun. Everything on earth is a manifestation of the Sun.

The twenty-one rays of the Sun represent the twenty-one keys of the Major Arcana in the Tarot. The four flowers symbolize organized development: mineral, vegetable, animal and Adam-consciousness. Sunflowers always face the sun to draw their power, as we should do to develop our consciousness.

The nude child astride the horse has sublimated the animal desires and were a symbol of the naked truth and understanding of things as they really are. "Except as ye become as little children, ye cannot enter the kingdom of heaven," (Matthew 18:3).

Tarot cards came long after the playing cards deck, in 15th century. While playing cards were used in games, Tarot were designed for Psychic readings only. Each Tarot card tells a story about you and your future and past. When you are reading tarot cards, you are connecting with universe on a deep, psychic level, where shadows fall in the dark.

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October 6, 2024