Free Daily Predictions

Unlock your future with daily, monthly, and yearly predictions using destiny cards and numerology. Discover personalized insights into life's challenges and opportunities, guiding your journey with clarity and purpose. Embrace the power of ancient wisdom for enlightened decision-making and personal growth. Your daily cards, personal days, months, years.

Monthly Yearly

Sunday, October 6 2024

In the "Standard" numerological system, the personal year starts on January 1st.

Executive Power

26/8 - Executive Power

Today is a great day to organize your forces. Find out just where you stand in your business and finances. You have a great opportunity for enlargement and do not doubt your ability to "cash in" on it. If you have already had success, build another on top of it. Consider your chances and move forward. Realize your creative power for advancement and branch out with it. Do not speculate or fly off at tangents, but plant your feet firmly on the ground and draw all the magnetic earth-vibrations into everything you do. Help yourself in helping someone less strong and powerful. Keep your aim in mind. Use the force for material gain and advancement, to increase and enlarge your field of usefulness. Drive yourself and your affairs with confidence in a successful outcome. This is the strong arm of the material world. This is your Power Day.

After the spiritual housecleaning of yesterday, you are ready to turn your attention to purely material affairs. You realize that there is an atmosphere of worldly power and financial gain about you. Your success is in your hands, provided you do not confuse ends and means. You are not dependent upon others but stand upon your own feet and attract their confidence by your strength. You know that money, in itself, is only a stepping-stone, and you have the clear sense and judgment to want to accumulate it for the power-for-good its possession will bring you. You want to help others as well as yourself, partly because you want to live on the constructive side and partly because have the intelligence to know that, of all the existing vibrations, it is the most elusive when you think only for yourself. Being the most practical, you do not expect of it much inspiration or uplift, but you can endow it with those qualities that you draw from your store, and in that way increase its power of attraction toward you. You know, too, that if you have a thing within your grasp and allow yourself to become hard and domineering, it cannot and will not remain with you, but will inevitably turn against you and refuse to lend a hand in your affairs. You feel the power and construction, multiplied by the kindness and beneficence. You understand the strength and sufficiency, spiritual cleanness and compassion, joy of life and taking the full responsibility, and taken, all in all, you realize that today you are a master-mind, the true executive, dealing out justice and mercy with scientific understanding.

Your Daily Cards: Saturn Day

Saturn rules the responsibilities, restrictions and limitations we are apt to encounter, and the lessons we must learn in life. He does not deny or diminish imagination, inspiration, spirituality, or good fortune, but he does demand that these things be given structure and meaning, for he also governs tact, steady thought and serious contemplation. This day is best for healthy dieting or fasting, praying and meditation. The card in this period tells what areas will be affected by the restrictive energy of Saturn. Saturn rarely troubles those who are straightforward, systematic, and above all, patient. Saturn rules sorrow and regret and things connected with the past, for suffering is the doorway to wisdom. The karmic lessons we have come to experience and overcome in this lifetime are expressed by Saturn, the karmic initiator of the zodiac. These are often restriction or oppression in relationships; chronic debilitating conditions in health; old age, poverty and other difficult circumstances in material life. Saturn rules old people, restrictive situations, the common people, the working classes, inflexible authority and chronic, hard-to-shift disorders. The card in Saturn's period reveals the areas of life wherein we must undergo these karmic tests, but good card as four, eight, ten or any crown card is an influence that can bring supreme success. Patience and thoroughness will generally offset the more problematic influences of Saturn, at least in terms of the anxiety they create, because Saturn rarely troubles those who are straightforward, systematic, and above all, patient.
Three of Clubs
Pluto Card
Nine of Hearts
Ten of Clubs
Keep your eyes open and watch for opportunities that come your way. Use good judgment and insight in evaluating the offers that are presented to you. Do not overlook or ignore any possibilities. Do not worry too much - it is all in your mind. By the end of a day, you will move forward without regret or hesitation. Sometimes letting go the world is the only way to gain the universe. The separations, endings and apparent losses in this vibration are necessary to free you for a new cycle you are about to enter.
Six of Clubs
Ace of Clubs
Two of Diamonds
Jack of Spades
Ten of Hearts
Five of Hearts
King of Diamonds

Universal Day 15/6

Restaurants are less crowded. Concerts well attended. Stocks more adjusted. The Universe eats at home but goes to a concert, or turns on the radio.

Good Day For

This is a good day for making deposits in checking accounts.

Daily Rhythms

Oct, 1Oct, 2Oct, 3Oct, 4Oct, 5Oct, 6
Excellent   Good   Average   Less than average   Be careful
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Quote of the Day
Donald Trump “People think I'm a gambler. I've never gambled in my life. To me, a gambler is someone who plays slot machines. I prefer to own slot machines. It's a very good business being the house.” - Donald Trump