Strength Tarot Card

Strength Tarot Card
Key 8 Strength. The keyword for this card is the card of the serpent. The serpent represents the kundalini, or life force, which, in undeveloped persons lies coiled three and a half times at the base of the spine. This force must be elevated, to transform the individual into a more spiritually-oriented person. All transformations in nature are specialized manifestations of this kundalini force.

The only two numbers that can be written over and over without ending are 8 and 0. As such, they represent divine power. The number 8 represents material power as well.

In key 8, we direct this life force through suggestion. The woman is the subconscious mind controlling body functions and directing the amounts of vital force that the body receives. She also receives and acts upon suggestions from the conscious mind. Her dominion over the lion is through gentle and spiritual power rather than by brute force.

The roses around the woman and the lion form a chain. Roses, representing a desire, must be tended and properly cared for. In this context, a chain of roses is a series of cultivated desires. Any suggestion emanating from a desire sets up a chain reaction in the subconscious that eventually results in the manifestation. The cosmic lemniscate (figure-8-shaped curve) over her head gives her dominion in this world.

Tarot cards came long after the playing cards deck, in 15th century. While playing cards were used in games, Tarot were designed for Psychic readings only. Each Tarot card tells a story about you and your future and past. When you are reading tarot cards, you are connecting with universe on a deep, psychic level, where shadows fall in the dark.

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October 6, 2024