Six of Spades Karma Cousin
The true position of your birth card is in the Neptune line, Uranus position. It’s occupied by the Six of Spades in the life spread. The Six of Spades signifies that, although by exercising composure and detachment you can approach your challenges in a calm manner, you need to resist letting inertia or lack of confidence stand in the way of your success. Alternatively, your inspiration and idealism may lead you to occupation that demand dedication and hard work for altruistic rewards.
The Six of Spades gives an evidence of the power to overcome difficulties, and you often you might find yourself with wise and kind people, which help you to develop self-confidence you should never be lacking. The Nine of Spades are truly great people, and they must be made to realize it. Nervous, romantic, unconventional - you can turn these qualities into working assets, and you can when you start using your talents for service and concern yourself with the world in large. Once you are on the universal wire, your talents and executive abilities give a mighty account.
Six of Spades Quotes

The number 6 has a special significance. It represents the "Law and Order" and also associated with a Karmic Law of cause and effect. Number 6 is a perfect number, symmetrical in all parts, the number of the Soul. Therefore, people of number Six have a special mission in their life. Sixes is obligated to hold justice and truth very high and most of them do it naturally. The biggest challenge of Sixes is in their tendency to laziness and monotony, an enemies of growth and progress. Those sixes who flee their responsibilities, refusing all adjustments, preferring action to protection, selfishness to love, freedom to responsibility, gain the effect of their doings in this lifetime. Others, who follow the law, obtain the wonderful contentment and serenity associated with number Six. Six is a natural diplomat who needs involvement with other to share his or her warm charm, intuitive intellect and friendly responsibility of well-being of others.Spades