Quotes » Intellectual quotes

Intellectual Quotes

Arthur Clarke “My favorite definition of an intellectual: "Someone who has been educated beyond his/her intelligence."” - Arthur Clarke
In topics: someone | intellectual | intelligence | favorite | definition | Magician Quotes | Two of Clubs Quotes |
Charles Bukowski “Some lose all mind and become soul, insane. Some lose all soul and become mind, intellectual. Some lose both and become accepted.” - Charles BukowskiIn topics: mind | soul | intellectual | Hermit Quotes | Ten of Clubs Quotes |
November 6, 2024
Ace of Diamonds
Card of the Day
Ace of Diamonds

Quote of the Day
Carmen Electra “I'm more attracted to a stronger man rather than a feminine man. Someone who would just throw me down and take control. I love feeling helpless. I definitely like a man who is aggressive and confident.” - Carmen Electra