What Is Your Birth Card?

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Five of Clubs
Birth Card
Seven of Hearts
Eight of Diamonds
Five of Hearts
Karma Card
Four of Clubs
Karma Cousin

Five of Clubs Birth Card

Five of ClubsFives represent Changes, Variety, Opportunity, Travel, Escape and fluctuating Life Experience. Five of Clubs are restless in the mental field.

Five of Clubs combine a desire for changes and new experiences with the power of the mind. Restless, seeking, trying to find the answer to millions of questions running through their head, they can't be happy with monotonous lifestyle. Five Of Clubs need constant movement and travel; sometimes they are too impulsive to stop, look and listen. They are regularly meeting with obstacles, and never know quite well what to do with it. They want movement and travel - eager to go anywhere rather than remain where they are. The mistake they made is dashing off on impulse, refusing to plan or count the cost.

Five of Clubs have a flexible mind, natural curiosity, variety of interests and many talents and abilities and as any Club, they need sound knowledge to be successful in life. Five Of Clubs have the natural inclination for the excellent education, and when they stop learning just for the sake of learning and start applying what they have learned in practice, success is guaranteed.

Not often well suited for marriage, the desire to have a family is there, and the experiment usually made. In marriage, they are apt to be secret jealousies and suspicions, as well as a change in their feelings.

In childhood most Five of Clubs experience insecurity in family finances. They may find it difficult to make financial decisions, but in reality, they have spectacular potential to make money. If they enjoy all things money can buy, there is a good chance they'll be able to enjoy themselves. Of course, using the sound advice of someone they can trust in finances is always a good idea.

Five of Clubs like to remain their personal life a mystery. They might be secretive about their plans, hopes, and friends. Should watch out for jealousy, and remember that it works both ways. Five Of Clubs are not likely to be a part of traditional religion, but there is a good possibility they can become interested in spiritual and philosophical studies, and this will undoubtedly be the best thing they can do for themselves - to fulfill their restless nature by acquiring the higher purpose.

Even Five Of Clubs are not likely to search for people and situations involving personal sacrifice, but they want to be right sports and companions, and when asked for support, there is no chance they will avoid the responsibility, even when it is not theirs.

They might be skeptical about any spiritual knowledge, but there is a spiritual giant in this card that might come out in their middle age. If it does, following this road will help Five Of Clubs to control their strong and impulsive emotions.

Peace of mind comes from a willingness to accept life as it must be lived - constructively.

Five of Clubs Quotes

William Randolph Hearst “It is a good thing that women are so easily manipulated. Otherwise, most of us wouldn't be here.” - William Randolph Hearst

March 31 Famous Birthdays

Famous Five of Clubs

Five of Clubs Birthdays

Leo, Cancer
Five of Clubs Planetary Ruling Card Five of Clubs Decanate Card Five of Clubs Year Card Five of Clubs Karma Card Five of Clubs Karma Cousin


The number 5 represents Changes, Variety, Opportunity, Travel, Escape and fluctuating Life Experience. Number 5 is the "Number of Man" and his original 5 senses. Fives are restless. They are seeking Freedom, and in this pursuit might never be satisfied with whatever they have now. Every time they are getting something they want, they are still uncertain and sometimes fearful of what lies ahead, so there is a new change must be made. For them there is more freedom just around a corner. Fives stand in a center and try to reach all point at the same time, always seeking new places, new faces, new changes, new experiences. They are very welcome by others, because of their honesty (unless operation totally negatively). Fives have their 6th sense of being honest in order to expect honesty and justice from others. It doesn't mean Fives are always reliable or responsible. Their own growth is vital and they don't like to be tied up by rules and obligations. Fives restless spirit might best be controlled by choosing the field of work that meet their demand for action and adventure.


Each suit represents one of our stages of life. Clubs correspond with our school years, the Summer season, the element Air - the functioning mind of man. Clubs are the guardians of intelligence and rule all mental processes, all psychological reactions, all communications, and messages. They argue, debate, spread the news, investigate, record. Clubs rule all forms of education, legal matters, literature and journalism. If your birthday identifies you as a Club, your prime asset is your mind. People who born as Clubs are interested in ideas and ways of communication. They are looking for truth - in and out. They strive to know facts, details and reasons behind anything happen in life. This vital search for knowledge give them the quality of a "thinker". They are able to counteract their emotions and feeling and solve any issue in an effective and rational manner. Clubs are very active and aggressive especially when they want to express their ideas and thoughts. Their prime weapon in life is their mind, and someone attacking their ideas may become the greatest enemy. You will do well in occupations which provide you with opportunity to share your knowledge, mental power with others - such as teaching, law, writing and counseling.
October 6, 2024
Three of Diamonds
Card of the Day
Three of Diamonds

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