What Is Your Birth Card?

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Queen of Clubs
Birth Card
Seven of Diamonds
Seven of Diamonds
Seven of Hearts
Three of Hearts
Karma Card
Ten of Diamonds
Karma Cousin

Queen of Clubs Decanate Card

Queen of ClubsThe Queen of Clubs is the card of high intuition, knowledge and mental balance. The Queen of Clubs represents the receptive principle of man's spiritual nature. They are not students in this life. They have close contact with higher forces of Intelligence spirituality expressed in balance, wisdom, and logic. They don't formulate judgments with emotions but instead use their brain.

The application of inherited knowledge can be a great asset to any work or service Queen Of Clubs participates in. They work hard and don't like laziness, ignorance and mental handicaps of others. The Queen of Clubs wants complete freedom of action and will not take any interference. It might affect their personal life in a significant way. An uncertainty in love measures can turn them away from the married experience, especially for women. However, Queen of Clubs also symbolizes Mary, Mother of Jesus.

Intuitively, Queen of Clubs is always ahead of their time. They are intuitive, creative, inventive and inspirational, always a part of scientific progress, intelligence and often see beyond the veil that has long hidden the truth.

People are often drawn to the Queen of Clubs for advice and assistance. There is a need to cultivate tolerance and be more patient with those who are not as advanced and progressive. Queen Of Clubs can be impatient and might be tempted to rule through the weight of their crown than through their authority of wisdom and ability.

Queen of Clubs' natural brightness must make itself evident at an early age. If not, it is only from a lack of interest. In any case, they are better to avoid to take success for granted. If they want to continue to succeed in life, self-discipline is vital. Many Queens of Clubs seek an early marriage as a way to independence. If not, they may not marry for a long time until later in life. The best partner for them is a person with a wide variety of interests, the one who can cope with their restless nature. Otherwise, they will get bored very fast. People often drop their problems on Queen of Clubs' lap, and it might be not easy to say "No."

With many talents and abilities, it is not a problem to make money, but the Queen Of Clubs must master their ability to manage it well. They are often impulsive in making financial decisions, so being responsible and not worrying much about money matters is the best way to deal with situations. They always want to own home. In finances, real-estate and other ventures it is more critical for them to use their practical intellect rather than intuition.

Queen of Clubs Quotes

Richard Curtis “Cause if you shoot a bullet someone dies. If you drop a bomb many die. You hit a woman, love dies. But if you say the F-word... nothing actually happens.” - Richard Curtis

January 28 Famous Birthdays

Famous Queen of Clubs

Queen of Clubs Birthdays

Gemini, Taurus
Queen of Clubs Planetary Ruling Card Queen of Clubs Decanate Card Queen of Clubs Year Card Queen of Clubs Karma Card Queen of Clubs Karma Cousin


You are the Queen in the Royal Family. That gives you the power and ability to influence those around you. Sometimes Queens are more powerful than Kings, but they rarely take the credit for their doings. As a female, Queen rule their suit in the nurturing kind manner. Your mission is inspire, to counsel, to comfort and encourage the expression of truth, love and peace. You biggest satisfaction comes through patience, service, love, self-sacrifice. The kingdom you rule depends from your suit - it can be love and relationship (Hearts), knowledge (Clubs), realm of values (Diamonds), work and wisdom (Spades).


Each suit represents one of our stages of life. Clubs correspond with our school years, the Summer season, the element Air - the functioning mind of man. Clubs are the guardians of intelligence and rule all mental processes, all psychological reactions, all communications, and messages. They argue, debate, spread the news, investigate, record. Clubs rule all forms of education, legal matters, literature and journalism. If your birthday identifies you as a Club, your prime asset is your mind. People who born as Clubs are interested in ideas and ways of communication. They are looking for truth - in and out. They strive to know facts, details and reasons behind anything happen in life. This vital search for knowledge give them the quality of a "thinker". They are able to counteract their emotions and feeling and solve any issue in an effective and rational manner. Clubs are very active and aggressive especially when they want to express their ideas and thoughts. Their prime weapon in life is their mind, and someone attacking their ideas may become the greatest enemy. You will do well in occupations which provide you with opportunity to share your knowledge, mental power with others - such as teaching, law, writing and counseling.
October 6, 2024
Three of Diamonds
Card of the Day
Three of Diamonds

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