Quotes » Giving quotes

Giving Quotes

Kahlil Gibran “Generosity is giving more than you can, and pride is taking less than you need.” - Kahlil GibranIn topics: more | need | giving | pride | generosity | taking | Hermit Quotes | Eight of Spades Quotes |
Lady Gaga “I work very hard, but when God opens that door for you - when life opens that door for you, I should say - I think it's important to be giving, to return the love back.” - Lady Gaga
In topics: life | love | work | return | back | giving | door | Magician Quotes | Eight of Clubs Quotes |
Mark Twain “Giving up smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I know because I've done it thousands of times.” - Mark Twain
In topics: thing | world | times | giving | smoking | Emperor Quotes | Three of Hearts Quotes |
July 27, 2024
Ace of Clubs
Card of the Day
Ace of Clubs

Quote of the Day
Jack Nicholson “You only lie to two people in your life, your girlfriend and the police.” - Jack Nicholson