Women want men, careers, money, children, friends, luxury, comfort, independence, freedom, respect, love, and a three-dollar pantyhose that won't run.

Phyllis Diller “Women want men, careers, money, children, friends, luxury, comfort, independence, freedom, respect, love, and a three-dollar pantyhose that won't run.” - Phyllis DillerIn topics: money | love | want | freedom | independence | luxury | comfort | respect | wont | Lovers Quotes | Jack of Clubs Quotes |

What is Your Birth Card?

Quote of the Day
Larry King “I remind myself every morning: Nothing I say this day will teach me anything. So if I'm going to learn, I must do it by listening.” - Larry King

Destiny Cards - Major Themes. Your Life reading.

Your Destiny: Major Themes

Tarot Reading in seconds

Tarot Reading In Seconds