Harrison Goldberg

Harrison Goldberg

Harrison Goldberg's departure from mainstream jazz began in 1992 with formation of the performance art collaborative Tabula Rasa. This four piece ensemble undertook an intentional regimen of mental and musical exercises designed to reach beyond the players' musical "programming" as jazz musicians, and augment it with the pure ability to create - by inspiration as it were - through attentive, intuitive listening.

Although Goldberg now works with many contemporary

improvisational artists, the fruit of these years of musical experiment and growth are best represented in Neon Egypt, a continuing collaboration between Goldberg and Tabula Rasa multi-percussionist Steven Miller. Their modern music is fully and spontaneously improvised, and recorded live without overdubs or retakes.

Harrison Goldberg is an alumnus of Boston's Berklee College of Music, and a member of the International Association for Jazz Education. His musical epic story And Music Was King is currently being scripted for theater performance.

Besides his music activities, 'Harrison', as he is popularly known, is recognized in northern California as an award winning visual artist and wine label designer, and is presently assembling a book of his artwork and poetry for publication.

In category: Music
Two of Diamonds
Birth Card

Birthday: November 5, 1945

Two of Diamonds   Life Path: 35/8   Attitude: 16/7

November 5 Famous Birthdays

Two of Diamonds Famous Birthdays

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