Mila Kunis & Ashton Kutcher
Compatibility Report

Mila Kunis: August 14, 1983
Mila Kunis
Commitment Index: 1
10% Complete (success)
Queen of Clubs
Birth Card
Three of Hearts
Karma Card
Ten of Diamonds
Karma Cousin
Ashton Kutcher: February 7, 1978
Ashton Kutcher
Commitment Index: 5
50% Complete (success)
Five of Spades
Birth Card
King of Diamonds
Ten of Hearts
Karma Card
Four of Diamonds
Karma Cousin

Total Connections Found: 14

We found 14 connections between you and Ashton. If you are in love, it's easy to assume the feelings are mutual, but it's not always so. We can fall in love at first sight, but true love tends to emerge over time. There are varying levels of passion, intimacy, and commitment. Discovering the dimensions of your relationship gives you an exclusive opportunity to predict how your relationships will unfold in the future. Does the first spark of passion have a chance to turn into something more beautiful, unique, and long-lasting? It depends on how deep your connections with another person are. Some of them are spiritual or karmic; they connect us on a subconscious level. Others work on the physical plane; they are based on our childhood patterns, ideas of likeness, and social measures.

Attraction index: 2.91
Intensity index: 2.61
Compatibility: 0.23

Attraction & Intensity

Attraction Index evaluates a scope of qualities you find attractive in each other. From physical attractiveness and behavior to a spectrum of psychological traits and features, your score represents the chemistry or spark that motivated you to be with another person, and them with you. As a rule of thumb, the attraction is necessary but not sufficient for defining true love.

Intensity Index outlines the challenges. Detailed investigation of connections determines which areas of your life are affected the most. It can be sexual intensity, strong desire to dominate, criticism, or deep contradictions in beliefs and lifestyles. While intense passion may work to your benefit, there are some levels of intensity people find difficult to accept. Jealousy, for example, can ruin relationships. Desire to manipulate can tear your safety net. You can be intensely in love for many years, but it shouldn't limit your independence.

People with more than fifteen links between them have their scores higher than someone with five connections or less. As a rule, relationships with high-attraction and low-Intensity scores have more chances to survive in the long run and to bring more positive energy and mutual understanding. The excess of intense connections between people leads to break-ups and conflicts. Keep in mind that the level of intensity depends on your personal preferences and traits. Passionate people prefer more intense relationships; they are quickly bored with perfections. Others are looking for a harmonious and caring environment. If you research your previous relationships in-depth, you will discover the Attraction and Intensity Scores that fit you the best.

Compatibility Chart

Meeting someone is never an accident, no matter how long your relationship lasts. There are always lessons, challenges, and virtues. It's easy to see in your compatibility chart, what brought you together in this lifetime and how enjoyable or challenging your relationships are meant to be. If you are aiming for long-term relationships, look for family and benefits indexes. Special connections give you a sense of pre-destined call. Lessons and challenges highlight the problematic aspects that may work for your advantage in the long-run. Intensity adds an edge, while criticism in high doses can make or break your trust.

Relationship Type: Harmonious

Prime Themes


karmic lessons


What is Missing?


Mila Kunis & Ashton Kutcher
Mila Kunis and Ashton are dating since 2012. With rumors Tuesday that good friends Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher may be taking their friendship to the next level, it got Celebuzz thinking about successful celebrity couples that were friends before dating.

Connections: Life vs. Spiritual

Your share of spiritual connections matches its mundane equivalent. You have new experiences to enjoy. There is also a decent backup in your subconscious mind to bypass any roadblocks. Spiritual connections may feel frightening at times. When triggered by Ashton Kutcher, your analytical mind starts skipping frames, but it helps you stay connected. Although you may check how many challenging aspects you have inside your mundane scope and cross-check them with supportive spiritual connections, the idea of commitment will cross yours and Ashton Kutcher's mind more than once. You may also consider Ashton Kutcher's age and social status; if they match yours, excellent! If not, your chances to be accepted are fifty-fifty.

Forward, Reverse and Mutual Connections

According to your score, you invest 28.57% more energy into your relationships than he is. Not all connections are about love and acceptance. The way you feel about different aspects can range from feeling safe and loved to fearful and vulnerable, but by all means, you care. If you get too focused on who owes who what and why you may start feeling resentful. Try not to lose track of your real goal.

Mila Kunis

Birthday: August 14, 1983
Queen of Clubs
Birth Card
Three of Hearts
Karma Card
Ten of Diamonds
Karma Cousin
The Queen of Clubs is the card of high intuition, knowledge and mental balance. The Queen of Clubs represents the receptive principle of man's spiritual nature. They are not students in this life. They have close contact with higher forces of Intelligence spirituality expressed in balance, wisdom, and logic. They don't formulate judgments with emotions but instead use their brain.

The application of inherited knowledge can be a great asset to any work or service Queen Of Clubs participates in. They work hard and don't like laziness, ignorance and mental handicaps of others. The Queen of Clubs wants complete freedom of action and will not take any interference. It might affect their personal life in a significant way. An uncertainty in love measures can turn them away from the married experience, especially for women. However, Queen of Clubs also symbolizes Mary, Mother of Jesus.

Intuitively, Queen of Clubs is always ahead of their time. They are intuitive, creative, inventive and inspirational, always a part of scientific progress, intelligence and often see beyond the veil that has long hidden the truth.

People are often drawn to the Queen of Clubs for advice and assistance. There is a need to cultivate tolerance and be more patient with those who are not as advanced and progressive. Queen Of Clubs can be impatient and might be tempted to rule through the weight of their crown than through their authority of wisdom and ability.

Queen of Clubs' natural brightness must make itself evident at an early age. If not, it is only from a lack of interest. In any case, they are better to avoid to take success for granted. If they want to continue to succeed in life, self-discipline is vital. Many Queens of Clubs seek an early marriage as a way to independence. If not, they may not marry for a long time until later in life. The best partner for them is a person with a wide variety of interests, the one who can cope with their restless nature. Otherwise, they will get bored very fast. People often drop their problems on Queen of Clubs' lap, and it might be not easy to say "No."

With many talents and abilities, it is not a problem to make money, but the Queen Of Clubs must master their ability to manage it well. They are often impulsive in making financial decisions, so being responsible and not worrying much about money matters is the best way to deal with situations. They always want to own home. In finances, real-estate and other ventures it is more critical for them to use their practical intellect rather than intuition.
Three of Hearts

Karma Card: Three of Hearts

Three of Hearts means creativity or indecision in affection. This card represents a love triangle when one is standing before two choices. A negative 3 does everything in a big way-eating, drinking, loving and living. You can be too self-indulgent, and extravagance could be your downfall. You tend to overact and exaggerate situations, turning mole-hill problems into mountains. Friendships will then be superficial. You may try to avoid responsibility and live just for a moment. Too much talk may make you a gossip. You should learn not to spread yourself too thin, which is a natural trap to fall into, with your many talents and interests.

There is triple Three influence in your Birth Card Spread. It gives the intellectual Queen of Clubs the quality of a quick thinker but can affect your ability to analyze your reactions thoroughly in the fast-moving environment.

All underlying cards in the life spread are in the Hearts suit - the suit of personal relationships, love, and affections. It brings a high focus on love life, which may negatively affect your particular purpose in life - bring clarity, intellectuality to humanity. With the 7 of Hearts in Saturn position, the disappointments and betrayals in love can be a part of life pattern. Trying to control partners will worsen the situation, but cultivating the tolerance and letting others be free indistinct expressions can make your life free of worries, uncertainty, and fears.

Ashton Kutcher

Birthday: February 7, 1978
Five of Spades
Birth Card
King of Diamonds
Ten of Hearts
Karma Card
Four of Diamonds
Karma Cousin
Number 5 is often thought as a number of changes, restlessness and inner dissatisfaction, but in Five Of Spades it works entirely different way. They are rarely dissatisfied or urging too much personal freedom. They primarily want the change for the sake of improvement - not only to themselves, but for people they love. Five of Spades are loyal and often love deeply and permanently. Usually those who they love bring anxiety and heartaches, but for Five of Spades no sacrifice is too big. They often witness suffering and hardship, and willing to love and help.

The personal restless is mostly spiritual. Five of Spades are on their way to initiation. Either they realize this part of themselves or not, and they still have this urge for soul growth. Many of them are active members of religious organizations.

Five of Spades are often required to travel for business or health. Their occupation can also be connected to medicine and hospitals, government, diplomacy, secret service, bureaus, etc. They can benefit greatly from foreigners and foreign interests, publication, extensive distribution. Work best in partnership, and often let their partner to take the lead. Friendly cooperation is ideal, but they often suffer from disloyalty of friends.

Some sacrifices must be needed in order to get good education. Often limited family finances can force them to earning before the school is finished. They have the card of "Christ" in their life spread. It is a card of love. Whatever they need to sacrifice in their childhood or later in marriage doesn't meet a rebellion of their side.

Many Fives of Spades have attraction for the occult and psychic. They have intuitive power and should cultivate it.

In personal life, early marriage may bring disappointment; your spouse can be found untrue to you, but marriages made after 40 can be very beneficial in personal and business sense.

Watch Out: Lawsuits are better settled outside the courtroom.
Ten of Hearts

Karma Card: Ten of Hearts

Your birth card, the Five of Spades, is replacing the Ten of Hearts in its Venus-Mars position of the Life spread. This aspect further reveals your passionate, romantic and adventurous nature. You are the life of the party, and your popularity with the opposite sex can bring turmoil into your quest for success. Zero, the number of God, after the number one, keeps you safe. This card indicates good karma from the past. There is an element of luck in the Ten of Hears. When you deal with people, your general inclinations are love and kindness. It is the reason you often attract characters that need your help and support. You have a big heart, and most people take it for granted. But God is with you every step of the way, protecting your path to initiation.

Create your own Love compatibility report. What you see in this example is just a little part of information you will get with your order. But you can see how the story starts, and sometimes you can see how it ends. Fate? Destiny? Would your rather go with FREE WILL? Or maybe Free Will comes from True Knowledge?
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