Joe Biden & Jill Biden
Compatibility Report

Joe Biden: November 20, 1942
Joe Biden
Commitment Index: 6.1
60% Complete (success)
King of Hearts
Birth Card
Four of Spades
Four of Clubs
Two of Clubs
Karma Card
Nine of Spades
Karma Cousin
Jill Biden: June 3, 1951
Jill Biden
Commitment Index: 3
30% Complete (success)
Ace of Spades
Birth Card
Seven of Hearts
Karma Card
Two of Clubs
Karma Cousin

Total Connections Found: 24

We found 24 connections between you and Jill. If you are in love, it's easy to assume the feelings are mutual, but it's not always so. We can fall in love at first sight, but true love tends to emerge over time. There are varying levels of passion, intimacy, and commitment. Discovering the dimensions of your relationship gives you an exclusive opportunity to predict how your relationships will unfold in the future. Does the first spark of passion have a chance to turn into something more beautiful, unique, and long-lasting? It depends on how deep your connections with another person are. Some of them are spiritual or karmic; they connect us on a subconscious level. Others work on the physical plane; they are based on our childhood patterns, ideas of likeness, and social measures.

Attraction index: 2.47
Intensity index: 2.17
Compatibility: 0.57

Attraction & Intensity

Attraction Index evaluates a scope of qualities you find attractive in each other. From physical attractiveness and behavior to a spectrum of psychological traits and features, your score represents the chemistry or spark that motivated you to be with another person, and them with you. As a rule of thumb, the attraction is necessary but not sufficient for defining true love.

Intensity Index outlines the challenges. Detailed investigation of connections determines which areas of your life are affected the most. It can be sexual intensity, strong desire to dominate, criticism, or deep contradictions in beliefs and lifestyles. While intense passion may work to your benefit, there are some levels of intensity people find difficult to accept. Jealousy, for example, can ruin relationships. Desire to manipulate can tear your safety net. You can be intensely in love for many years, but it shouldn't limit your independence.

People with more than fifteen links between them have their scores higher than someone with five connections or less. As a rule, relationships with high-attraction and low-Intensity scores have more chances to survive in the long run and to bring more positive energy and mutual understanding. The excess of intense connections between people leads to break-ups and conflicts. Keep in mind that the level of intensity depends on your personal preferences and traits. Passionate people prefer more intense relationships; they are quickly bored with perfections. Others are looking for a harmonious and caring environment. If you research your previous relationships in-depth, you will discover the Attraction and Intensity Scores that fit you the best.

Her Scores Are Slightly Different Than Yours!

Relationship is a union of two, and each of us is investing time and energy in another, and as a result we experience a slightly different impact which effects our compatibility score.
You Feel More Compatible With Her Than She Is!
Attraction index: 2.63
Intensity index: 2.31
Compatibility: -0.09

Compatibility Chart

Meeting someone is never an accident, no matter how long your relationship lasts. There are always lessons, challenges, and virtues. It's easy to see in your compatibility chart, what brought you together in this lifetime and how enjoyable or challenging your relationships are meant to be. If you are aiming for long-term relationships, look for family and benefits indexes. Special connections give you a sense of pre-destined call. Lessons and challenges highlight the problematic aspects that may work for your advantage in the long-run. Intensity adds an edge, while criticism in high doses can make or break your trust.

Relationship Type: Long Distance

Prime Themes

desire for freedom

love and harmony

karmic lessons

What is Missing?

emotional intimacy


Jill finds you very charming and intriguing, and her loving heart is always open to comfort and please you.


Joe is 100% initiator in this relationship. You prefer him to take a wheel and do most all moves on his own.


Jill's desire to make you happy is a definite benefit to your abilities and talents. She holds a pride in your accomplishments, willing to do almost anything to help you climb the social ladder. She is willing lift you up with enthusiasm and build up your self-confidence.


You might be too critical of yourself, but with Jill you can relax. She doesn't think there is any problem with you. Perhaps she is a type of woman, who doesn't think that changing anyone helps. For you, it is different. Intuitively you know him very well, maybe too well. And you know what should be done of her behalf to be more successful and mature in life. Sometimes your critical remarks are not so easy to handle. Slow down! Eventually, she will grow up, but she needs a lot of love and appreciation to be a successful student.

Friendship, Freedom, Inspiration

You have changed her life making her feel as a little girl who can laugh, be free and alive. She was looking for something new, fresh and inspirational, and you were just the right person to open her eyes to the world full of possibilities and magic. You can be good friends, if she can let you keep your freedom.

Idealism / Illusions

The dream of a perfect love came true when she met you. You might not be ideal, but there is no place in her romantic perception for accurate understanding of your real strengths and frailties, and you find yourself in the middle of the romantic encounter where the crash of illusions can happen at any time.

Control / Challenges

You may become the most significant person in Jill's life, shaking her world, uncovering secrets, destroying sets of old beliefs and stereotypes, challenging deep fears and unresolved issues. Along with a powerful sexual attraction, you make her feel powerless. Confronting hidden fears and emotional implications from the past can escalate very painful experience.

Joe Biden and Jill are married since 0. Joe and Jill met on a blind date, set up by Joe's brother Frank, in March 1975. Frank knew Jill from college. Jill was impressed by Joe more formal appearance and manners compared to the college men she had known, and after their first date, she told her mother, "Mom, I finally met a gentleman."

Connections: Life vs. Spiritual

You and Jill Biden have a higher percentage of spiritual connections. It means you share karmic pasts. You may have premonitions and dreams about Jill Biden, or just have a sense of unusual attachment. You may notice when it comes to Jill Biden, your analytical mind tends to skip frames. It can be frightening at times. Past life's memories are the truth stranger than fiction; it's preserved down to the ions. The connected past, unconsciously realized, intensifies our feelings when we meet someone who triggers our genetic imprints. It's like capturing our self-awareness, life energy, and being in a fusion of space and time.

Forward, Reverse and Mutual Connections

According to your score, Jill invests 75% more energy into your relationships than you are. Depending on specifics, she might be more mindful, caring, and initiative, or more aggressive, pushy, or critical. In other words, she cares. With lots of reversed challenging connections, being loving might be harder than it seems, but if those are connections of kindness and love, you'd feel grateful and contented with your choice.

Joe Biden

Birthday: November 20, 1942
King of Hearts
Birth Card
Four of Spades
Four of Clubs
Two of Clubs
Karma Card
Nine of Spades
Karma Cousin
The Kings are associated with Number Thirteen (13) - The Number Of Love and Unity, and among the wiser ones, these qualities, together with their number, were held to be sacred. All Kings are the Jacob of the Bible: the founders and fathers of the twelve tribes who have entrusted the children to the source of All Good. Kings are usually the most sympathetic and understanding people. They know subconsciously that power depends upon cooperation, and whatever life they lead, their best work is done in partnership. They always have a sense of authority, but it seldom leads to domination.

King of Hearts rules by love. They are kind, friendly and magnetic. They don't give the first impression of the power of the King, but they have the greatest thing in the world that is invincible - love. They have the ability of peace, protection and safe harbor. Living at their best, true to themselves, they never fight for recognition, nor do they want it. They never produce any problems, like any other card, but issues can be brought to them by other people.

Kings Of Hearts are very confident and not stubborn at all because they are sure of themselves and of the principles for which they stand. By nature, they are the most desirable people of the earth and the most worthy of love. They will always answer the call for help, and even you forget to thank them, it doesn't matter. They are the center and the heart of family life, best friends, and harmonizers at work. There is no reason for anyone to fight King of Heart's authority. They play their part so beautifully, with so much grace and kindness, we all love them to be who they are. Like humans, they can fight when confronted with hatred and ugliness, but even then they make allowances. They are regularly meet with disappointments in others, and if not strong enough, some of King of Hearts might develop fears, but it is sporadic. Despite all this, the King Of Hearts is never weak.

The King of Hearts is mentally active and thoroughly efficient and practical in business. They like to mix with men and enjoy the exchange of ideas. They want to learn, but not always apply what they know. Through knowledge and birth gave a keen intuition, many of the King of Hearts tend to be interested in psychology, mysticism, and philosophy. May become spiritual and philosophical teachers. Exquisite leaders and teachers of groups. Also interested in trading, merchandising, buying and selling. They can work well with large manufacturers, and with personnel. They want business to be active and progressive, but not agreeable to drastic changes.
Two of Clubs

Karma Card: Two of Clubs

Any Two reflects our fears. The Two of Clubs, your Karma Card, is associated with mental stress. The reason is usually the behavior of other people who are likely to use you and to betray and to deceive at one point or another. Disappointments can pile up, and there is certainly a need to build up reliable protection for your nervous system. If you feel the need to dominate or to quarrel excessively, beware. The Two of Clubs karmic influence can be challenging to deal with, but as the King of Hearts, you have the power to overcome any adverse influences faster than any other person.

Jill Biden

Birthday: June 3, 1951
Ace of Spades
Birth Card
Seven of Hearts
Karma Card
Two of Clubs
Karma Cousin
The Ace of Spades birth card called "The Key To The Mystery Of Life," the most spiritual card in the deck. As much as Ace of Spades probably would like to hide their private life from public, people are drawn to them for help, advice and almost psychic energy no one can truly understand but everyone feels and embraces. Big part of Ace of Spades can feel pain and imperfectness of this world and human beings, and ready to love and sacrifice for the world to be a better place. From an early age, they learn to read people carefully, and choose friends with caution.

Ace of Spades love to lead a luxurious lifestyle, surround themselves with beautiful things and tend to spend more than they can afford on friends and family. In their quest for ideal love, Ace of Spades can find out the reality is far from their expectations. But there is a place when they find a piece of mind - and that's their work and career.

The Ace of Spades love to work and able to pursue their objectives. With persistence and self-discipline they can achieve any goal they put in front of them. They have a tremendous pool of wisdom and mental knowledge. Great intellectual potential should be used and to be emphasized by learning activities and education. They will the most satisfied if work involves travel. Otherwise, they may not stick to one job for a long. At work Ace of Spades prefer to deal with men rather than with women. Many Aces of Spades become athletes or get themselves with any kind of professions involving groups of men. They have great energy and prefer a variety of action with the opportunity to move around and travel.

Ace of Spades can see their life as a series of transformations. Understanding their great spiritual potential and unlocking the mystery of this world will make them a source of inspiration for many people. They have the definite ability to become masters of this universe like no other birthday.
Seven of Hearts

Karma Card: Seven of Hearts

The Seven Of Hearts is the card of "ideal" love. As a Karma card, it requires to keep an unattached attitude in love and usually presents itself in the series of lessons, when the Ace of Spade's person learns to lose beloved ones and find the enlightenment in the spiritual world of universal love. It is usually tricky on the material level and can produce the series of emotional disappointments starting early in life. It is crucial to understand the high call of the Ace of Spades - the key to all mysteries in the world, which holds great promise of eternal life.

Create your own Love compatibility report. What you see in this example is just a little part of information you will get with your order. But you can see how the story starts, and sometimes you can see how it ends. Fate? Destiny? Would your rather go with FREE WILL? Or maybe Free Will comes from True Knowledge?
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