Jack of Diamonds - Year Card
All Jacks correspond with number 11. By some called the number of Evil because it transcended the number of commandments, and did not attain 12, the number of Grace and perfection. History and experience refuse its stigma. Number 11 is the most priceless gift of God. It is man (1) beside God (10). Jacks are sons of the Kings. They carry great responsibility, and the disposal of their lives rests entirely on their decision. They represent the mental attitudes of any suit, and of course; our mental attitudes are totally within our control. We can rule them and win the crown, or we may consign them to every wind that blows and struggle in a state of immaturity as long as we live.
The Jack of Diamonds win their crown through good guardianship of values. Jack of Diamonds is a controversial card. They can be wholly material, highly spiritual, or curios and unaccountable, or a mixture of two. They are aware that hard and stable efforts are a requirement for success. Jack of Diamonds are mentally sharp and clever, and always looking for new enterprises, ventures and opportunities to make their kingdom, but spiritual confusion can lead them to drift through life and live by their wits, usually managing to get by.
The Jack of Diamonds are seldom lacked money or protection. They are given a free play to the intuitions, and if they realize it and accept it, they are well on their way to the great success and recognition. Fixation on material matters can lead to a loss of spirituality. Diamonds are believed to be the suit of money, but it is a suit of values - and our values include both - material, spiritual, moral values of human beings.
Jack of Diamonds are creative and original, and can greatly contribute to any business as top executives, diplomatic agents, successful bankers, publishers and advertisers. Once they learn how to judge their values, there is nothing that can stay on their way to success.
Jack of Diamonds Quotes
![Marcel Proust](https://www.sevenreflections.com/images/people/1x1/100/Marcel_Proust.jpg)
Jack is a prince of Royal Family. It gives you a certain abilities, including mental creativity, freedom from limitations, and the opportunity to dig into the royal treasury. Jack is also considered immature card, and you must prove your greatness by taking more responsibility. Jacks are youthful, enthusiastic and often talented. You like to live by your own rules which created the Jack reputation of being the playboys and playgirls of the deck. Women with Jack card have an aggressive quality, kind of man's mind. Men may go extremes from being almost feminine to the dictatorial attitudes. Jack are given the power, and with exercising more control, discipline and mastering the right application of your power makes Jack very successful leaders, artists, performers, politicians etc.Diamonds