Seven of Diamonds Decanate Card
Seven of Diamonds belong to the special family of Seven. It means that their life does not follow the traits of 46 cards of the deck. It may feel like being an alien with ideas and set of values no one understands. No one can ever experience how it is to be in your place, except your soul twin. Only six other cards can genuinely share your most profound thoughts and feelings.
Their karma card - the Nine of Hearts - the card of Universal Love. The central question of your life is - money or love, love or money? Harmonization of these two subjects can become a lifetime mission. The Seven of Diamonds can make a fortune, but lack love they desire or go broke with having the most precious relationships. In any case, finances hold the most important keys to their satisfaction, and they will never settle for something less than a grand financial success. It is not like they judge others by their money-making abilities, but they know that money is power, and they give respect to people on the "top of the chain." Seven of Diamonds also understand that what you give is what you get. You do not respect people who are trying to cheat and steal their way up.
Seven of Diamonds life and early years involve some changes. They might have a considerable amount of traveling or relocating in childhood, which affects their entire life. For their very open-minded and mentally sharp brain, creativeness and ambitions, any routine work can be more than they can handle. Seven Of Diamonds need new things to learn, new places to go and new projects to work on to keep themselves motivated and happy.
In love, they are more than anyone else willing to sacrifice and give anything they've got to beloved ones. Women make great mothers and wives. Men - good-hearted and dependable husbands. Many Seven of Diamonds tend to have a significant circle of friends in their home.
Often, the Seven of Diamonds are born into money; others marry money. Others have a great ability and fantastic potential to make a fortune, but only when they realize the real value of wealth as well as its limitations. It can buy you things of pleasure and comfort, but not happiness nor love. Settling the set of values is extremely important. Their life is a good sample of God's law of valid values, and they should always remember, that there are enough money and wealth for everyone, and there is the responsibility that comes with financial success. Being responsible for people we love, for people we invite into our lives, might be the most significant burden for the Seven Of Diamonds, but not recognized until later in life. They have the key to financial success and wealth inside themselves, and if they can unlock this spiritual awareness, they can access the pool of universal wealth.
The Seven of Diamonds have a psychic gift and desire for higher knowledge. They can become an excellent employer that cares about the welfare of others, the leader of the organization working for progress and improvement, - especially after forty-five. They can be attracted to the water, have a house by the ocean, or have a successful business connected to the international transportation, import, and export, or prescription medications and drugs. The Seven of Diamonds are also can do well in marketing and public relations, promoting things they value highly.
Issues to be aware: Need to be very careful in signing contracts. Don't risk in lawsuits and legal matters.
Seven of Diamonds Quotes

The number 7 is the most mystical of all numbers. Seven is the number of a Soul and symbolizes "Spiritual Victory", quest for higher truth. In silence, peace and self-examination we go toward perfection. In criticism of others, suspicion, judgment, and sharp practice, we create our own obstacles and difficulties. Sevens are highly intuitive. They has a reservoir of inspired wisdom combined with inherited analytical ability, which could reward them through expressions of spiritual leadership, business analysis, marketing, artistic visions, and scientific research. Operating on spiritual side of their individuality can bring Sevens to the great heights, and drop them off if they neglect their true spiritual identity.Diamonds